As part of the multi-disciplinar artist collective Fungo, Nuno Patrício is in a priviledged place to map the history of underground culture and particularly experimental and electronic music in Lisbon in the last two decades. Together with Marco Guerra, he has created one of the most attentive platforms in the city, regularly showcasing all the new genre-defying players coming through in the local scene; from new dance music producers and DJs to vital experimentalists and earth-shattering drone scientists, they’ve covered it all, be it thorugh their Blog, their mix series, their regular nights and events and also their label which releases both on vinyl and tape. As a DJ, also with Marco Guerra, he’s been around for decades with their previous incarnation orson & welles – a project that influenced a lot of the new heads in the scene and was active in a time when DJs playing inventive electronic music in the city existed in much smaller numbers.

Practical infos

8 bis, quai Saint-Vincent
Lyon 1er