A label manager for over 10 years and the co-founder of CD1D (a national federation of independent labels) and the streaming platform 1D Touch, Cédric Claquin has also spent several years as a public communications consultant. A fully signed up ecosapien with a passion for alternative models, the collaborative economy and new forms of innovation, he is currently in charge of overseeing the Foresight, European Issues and Innovative Uses departments at 1D Lab.
About 1D Lab:
1D Lab intends, through services and digital resources, strengthen the dissemination and remuneration of independent creations. We pursue three objectives for the benefit of three types of actors :
– Submit creators (artists and content producers) fairer remuneration models.
– Provide the general public innovative solutions for discovering independent creations.
– Supporting cultural sites and territories in their digital transition policies.
A « smart-up »
As a social start-up, 1D Lab chose the specific legal form Cooperative Company (SCIC) in order to propose a shared governance and to dedicate its actions to the benefit of common goods and general interest. According to 1D Lab, inventing new answers and new models means to permanently lead collective experimentations that rely on a network of partners committed to serving cultural diversity. 1D Lab aims at reinforcing the diffusion and remuneration of independent creations thanks to digital services and resources.

Listen / view
Le Monde : « 1D Lab invente le streaming en version solidaire »
L’Observatoire des politiques culturelles : « Le marché va-t-il gagner la bataille du numérique? »
Practical infos
Cultural Changemakers : Socially-conscious, cost-efficient and locally-coordinated: a new form of innovation (Case studies)
Thursday 25 May 3:30pm-4:30pm8 bis, quai Saint-Vincent
Lyon 1er