Petros Papaconstantinou
Journalist, writer, Kahtimerini | Grèce Speaker
Petros Papaconstantinou is foreign affairs editor at the Greek daily “Kahtimerini”. He has interviewed many important personalities, including Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Hugo Chavez, Gerry Adams, Yassir Arafat, Simon Perez, Jose Maria Aznar, Bashar Assad, Michel Bachelet, Noam Chosmky, Samir Amin, Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou, Tariq Ali, Ilya Prigozine John Mearsheimer etc.
As a war correspondent, he covered the second Palestinian Intifada (2000- 2006), the Israeli war on Gaza (2009), the Egyptian revol of 2011t, the civil war and NATO’s campaign against Libya (2011) and the ISIS crisis in northern Iraq (2014). He speaks Greek, English, Spanish and French. He is author of the books «The Great Challenge» (2013), «Back to the Future» (2010), «The Golden Curtain» (2008), «The Age of Fear» (2005), «The American Jihad» (2003) and co- author of other publicationa.

Practical infos
Face to face : Pierre Haski et Petros Papaconstantinou in conversation
Thursday 25 May 11:30am-12:308 bis, quai Saint-Vincent
Lyon 1er