Ibrahim Dufriche-Soilihi
First Deputy in charge of Innovation, the Social and Solidarity Economy, Digital Issues, the Ecological Transition and Nature, Montreuil (93) | France Speaker
A trained agronomist, Ibrahim Dufriche possesses over 15 years of experience as a consultant and training specialist. The founder of Iswa Conseil, his work focuses on the use of strategic information systems by SOHOs and SMEs.
Ibrahim is also the author of a professional thesis on the subject of “intelligent agents as an interface between information and management training”.
Since 2014, he has held the title of First Deputy in charge of Innovation, the Social and Solidarity Economy, Digital Issues, the Ecological Transition and Nature. He is also the joint head of a group of elected representatives entitled Ensemble pour Montreuil, Ecologie et Citoyenneté (“Together for Montreuil, Ecology and Citizenship”).

Practical infos
Participative budgets: a weapon in the fight for the future of European democracy ? [Inspiration]
Friday 26 May 01pm-2:30pm8 bis, quai Saint-Vincent
Lyon 1er